Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Finding your voice...artist John Mayer and "say"


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Just replying to your DM on twitter as I would really like to respond to such a good question, but was unable to direct message you in return as you aren't following me.

I think in answer to your question - I do experience stigma from others, but mostly those who are un-acquainted with therapy in general, just as most clients do. As a therapist myself, I have found that other therapists (mostly) encourage and support my ongoing therapy (most consider it important in developing my own skills - self-awareness being a key aspect of being a therapist).

In terms of how I view the process, I think it is probably easier to refer you to my blog in which I discuss my own process, and how it interacts with my therapy training and client work - - there are a few password protected posts which I'd be happy to let you read if you drop me an email thesameskymail (at) googlemail (dot) com.

I think being a client as well as a therapist is really hard work, you have to think and think about your own reactions, and remember what it feels like when you are faced with it from the 'other side' - it constantly reminds me how hard it is for my clients and how much I need humility and sensitivity in dealing with them. Therapy is hard work!


Anonymous said...

PS - loved the video!