Monday, April 15, 2013

Some things have been changing - today at the empowering solutions blog: its not about "getting over it" but rather "getting past it"


Over the past months you may have noticed that posting here on A Journey has slowed down.

A lot.

Thats a "good thing" in that it means I've been spending more time at the Facebook Community page and working on the Empowering Solutions blog here and there. 

Today I'd like to invite you to pop over to the ES blog and take a gander....

There are some new posts there and today's is post is on learning to help ourselves shift from "rumination" to "rejuvenation" as we learn to leave behind the life where we struggle and create the life where we are free of the pain of the past. 

I hope you'll join me there and subscribe for updates as the ES community continues to grow.

Best always,


PS...thanks always for your support,  your emails and sharing your journey with me. And btw...A Journey is not going anywhere:) 

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