Friday, February 26, 2010

Michele and Susan at Blog Talk Radio

Last evening Michele Rosenthal and I had a great conversation about how in finding acceptance we can find freedom from the emotional and psychological pain of trauma. You can listen to the broadcast here: Why don't survivors want to do the work to heal from PTSD?

This was a great conversation and opportunity for me to share just a bit of what my journey has been like; how I had been misdiagnosed for over 15 years and how I began to find my way out of the darkness and despair of trauma.

This discussion was a spin off from a post that Michele had done in September of 2009 in her column Meandering Micheles Mind. You can read that original post here.

As Michele often has said at her blog site about the healing journey; while everyones trauma is unique, the trauma experience...the result or outcome of a traumatic universal.

We - you and I - are not alone in this journey and all we have to do is take that next step that is in front of us today to continue on the path of self discovery.

You too, can fly.

Stay tuned; more good things to come!


Mike Hinsley said...

I listened to your radio spot with michele.

It was quite touching and inspiring - you are further along with healing than I thought.

It was also good to hear yet another voice banging on about the same things - "You godda deal 2 heal".


Unknown said...

Thank you, Mike.

I like that; you godda deal 2 heal....:)

I appreciate your comments and feedback always!

Kyla said...

That was a great show and everything you were saying i agreed with, and could relate. Thanks for sharing your experiences and thought's what a great show, bought tears to my eyes

Unknown said...

Kyla; thank you for your supportive feedback here and at the BTR site following the show! I am so glad you took the time to connect and so appreciate what you've had to say. It is so heartwarming to meet you and know once again that I - we - are not alone in this journey!