Sunday, February 28, 2010

Neuronal Gossip and Biological Mud

A quote from BeyondMeds; "A twist on negative thoughts..."

The neuronal gossip that keeps you from seeing your mind in its fullness doesn’t really change the fundamental nature of your mind. Thoughts like “I’m ugly,” “I’m stupid,” or “I’m boring” are nothing more than a kind of biological mud, temporarily obscuring the brilliant qualities of Buddha nature, or natural mind. –Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, from The Joy of Living

Love the term “neuronal gossip!!”

Think about it...

How much truth is there really in gossip?

A bit?

A smidgeon?

Does gossip ever do anyone any good?

Or is is more harmful than anything?

A time waster?

A way to avoid facing my own fears, pain and inadequacies?

Those negatives thoughts that run in the background...

The "subtitles" to the movies that I would play in my head...


and over

and over.

Are not doing me any good.

In fact, those are the lies of the past. The beginning of the end. That place where I feel stuck and powerless to change my life.

When I started paying attention to that gossip...

I was able to turn it off

and begin to believe

that I



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