Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Walk In Compassion

Photo Credit

I will live in compassion

I will walk a path of peace

no longer judging

I’m living free

I will live in compassion

I will be free

can you walk in compassion

can you let your soul free

can you reach out your hand

and say “follow me”

you’ll find your way

your truth and your light

when you’re able to lay down

when you give up that fight

then I'll walk in compassion

my soul will be free

torment no more

in my eyes they will see

the human condition 

such as it is

a walk in compassion

my heart open and free

loving the others

in spite of what they did to me

letting it go

won’t make them free

but it takes me

closer to peace

~Susan March 2010


Kyla said...

great poem, really pretty

Michele said...

I love the line in the first stanza about no longer judging -- so often I feel that's where we get stuck. We judge ourselves and others and so easily find either one lacking, and then we get tethered there, wanting justice or absolution, when really, what we most need to do is transcend. Compassion -- for ourselves and others -- seems the perfect way. Thank you for this. It really hit the mark. :)